Model Alicia Kaur is in the news a day prior for her flirtatious banter on the ramp with actor Sidharth Malhotra. She grabbed the headlines by getting cosy with Sidharth and later apologising to his wife and actress Kiara Advani. She took to Instagram and wrote, “#SorryKiara, #ItsOurJob,” which went viral on the internet. The two walked the runway for the designer duo Shantanu and Nikhil, and their chemistry set the internet soaring.
In the 70s theme, Alicia Kaur and Sidharth Malhotra created magic with their flirtatious moves on the runway. However, it also received backlash from netizens, who found it displeasing on the internet.
Who Is Alicia Kaur? Know All About The Model
Alicia Kaur hails from Australia and is a Mumbai-based model who is known for walking the ramp for prominent fashion weeks. She is one of the well-known models at Lakme Fashion Week.
Alicia kicked off her modelling career at the tender age of three and, since then, has been following her passion.
Speaking to Elle India, she said, “I did my first modelling job when I was 3 and was addicted to the idea of becoming a model. I tried my hand at childhood modelling and acting but I wasn’t so successful; I was rejected at least 45 times by agencies in Melbourne, Australia (where I’m from). Finally, by 19, I signed with a reputable agency, but once I was signed it still wasn’t easy, I still had to hustle and work part-time to support myself."
At the age of 19, she balanced modelling with part-time jobs and worked hard to achieve her goals. In Melbourne, Australia, her hometown, Alicia was rejected 45 times by agencies. Later, when she turned 23, she explored her journey and possibilities in China and Europe, and then she arrived in India. With a lot of hardship and setbacks, the model has made her mark in the glamour industry.