Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised Vivek Agnihotri's latest film The Vaccine War and also requested people to watch it. The film, which hit the big screens on September 28, tells the story of the victory achieved by scientists and a population of 1.3 billion who united in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. The movie features Nana Patekar, Anupam Kher, and Pallavi Joshi among others.
PM Modi, while addressing people in Rajasthan, lauded the makers of The Vaccine War for their efforts in emphasising the role of scientists and science in acknowledges the challenges posed by the pandemic.
The PM said, "I have heard that a film called 'The Vaccine War' has been released, which depicts the relentless efforts of our country's scientists who worked day and night, dedicating themselves to the cause of fighting COVID in their labs, like sages. In this film, all these aspects have been portrayed... I congratulate the makers of this film for highlighting the importance of scientists and science".
Reacting to PM Modi praising his film, Vivek Agnihotri wrote on X, "It’s heartening to hear PM @narendramodi acknowledge the contribution of Indian scientists, specially women scientists in making the indigenous vaccine under his leadership. Women scientists called and got emotional 'First time a PM praised Virologists', they said. GRATITUDE."
In The Vaccine War, Vivek Agnihotri provided a sneak peek into the work of the scientists associated with the BBV152 vaccine, commonly known as Covaxin, which was developed through collaboration between Bharat Biotech and the Indian Council of Medical Research – National Institute of Virology.
The film has struck a chord with viewers for its poignant storytelling and powerful performances. It also stars Sapthami Gowda and Raima Sen. The film is produced by Pallavi Joshi and I Am Buddha.