Munawar Faruqui, who is a stand-up comedian, emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss 17, beating TV actor and his close friend Abhishek Kumar. He took home a cash prize of ₹50 lakh and a luxurious brand-new car. After his win, he visited Mumbai's Dongri and was welcomed by thousands of his fans on the streets.
In the homecoming video, Munawar was seen raising his Bigg Boss 17 trophy as fans cheered for him. Several fans were also heard chanting his name in Dongri.
Check it out:
However, the video left several netizens unimpressed. A user of X, formerly known as Twitter said, "Is it Munawar Faruqui's craze?? or is unemployment at its peak?? or these people have so much free time ??" While user added, "This video of munawar Faruqui is enough to show the world how much unemployment exists there,stats are manipulated and incorrect"
Another netizen wrote, "This crowd will not support the athlete who brings gold medal for India. But so much crowd for Bigboss winner #MunawarFaruqui. Unemployment at its peak."
Take a look at the reactions:
He also shared a picture with Salman Khan on his Instagram handle and wrote, "Bohot Bohot Shukriya Janta. Aapke pyaar aur support ke liye Aakhir kar Trophy Dongri aa hi gayi. Special thanks to Bade Bhai @beingsalmankhan Sir for all your guidance. Saari #munawarkijanta aur #munawarkewarrior ka dil se shukriya #Karliya"