Actress Sambhavna Seth, who had ventured into politics a year ago and had joined Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi, has now announced her decision to quit the party. On Sunday, she took to her social media handle to state that she has realised her mistake, and thus, will no longer be a part of AAP.
"Joined @AamAadmiParty a year back wid a lot of enthusiasm to serve for my country bt no matter hw wisely U take a decision U can still go wrong bcz at the end of the day we r humans," she wrote on her X (formerly, Twitter) handle.
She added, "Realising my mistake I officially declare my exit from AAP," and tagged Arvind Kejriwal in her tweet as well.
Sambhavna's decision to quit the party comes just days before the Lok Sabha elections, that will be held across the country in April or May.
Sambhavna had joined the Aam Aadmi Party at its headquarters in Delhi last year in the presence of senior party leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh and AAP's national general secretary (organisation) and Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak.
She had said that she was inspired by Kejriwal's policies and thus, wanted to join the party.
It is to be noted that Sambhavna was seen promoting and campaigning for AAP on social media and heaping praise on Kejriwal until the January of this year.
On January 20, she had also thanked Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia, Sandeep Pathak and others for giving her the opportunity to be a part of AAP. "Papa ka hamesha se sapna tha ki main desh ke liye kuch karun bas sahi raaste ki talaash thi jo aaj aam aadmi party ke roop me mere saamne aaya," she had tweeted.
The actress is yet to reveal the details behind quitting the party that too at a crucual juncture when the Lok Sabha elections are just around the corner.