Bollywood actor Ranvir Shorey reacted to a viral video of a ticket examiner assaulting a passenger travelling without ticket on Barauni-Lucknow Express. The shocking video has been doing the rounds on social media platforms and soon after it came to the notice of Ranvir, he said that the TTE should be sent on border.
Reacting to the video from his official X (formerly known as Twitter) account, Ranvir wrote, "फिर बाद में जब passenger पेलेंगे तो कहा जाएगा कि 'violence is not the answer."
The actor also tagged the Union Minister for Railways, Ashwini Vaishnaw, and added, "@AshwiniVaishnaw जी, कृपया इस TTE को border पर भेजें," along with a folded hand emoticon.
The now-viral video shows the TTE abusing and beating the passenger while questioning him for not having a valid ticket. It's also evident that the TTE glanced back twice, making eye contact with the passenger recording the video of the shocking incident. Realising that he was being filmed, the TTE attempted to grab the recording device.
The TTE has now been suspended by Railway officials.
Meanwhile, Ranvir is quite active on X and he often shares his views and opinions on various issues. A couple of days back, he narrated a harrowing experience after 10-hour IndiGo flight delay.
In a lengthy post on X, he accused the airline of poor communication and providing misleading information. He also said that he will file a complaint against IndiGo for the trauma that he and his friends suffered.
Ranvir made his acting debut opposite Manisha Koirala in the film 'Ek Chhotisi Love Story' in 2002. Over the years, he has made a place for himself in the industry and has been a part of films like Khosla Ka Ghosla, Pyaar Ke Side Effects, Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd, Bheja Fry, Aaja Nachle, Singh Is Kinng, Chandni Chowk to China, Ek Tha Tiger, Heroine, Sonchiriya, A Death In The Gunj and others.
He is known for his impeccable acting skills and getting into the skin of the character that he portrays.