Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Rishi Kapoor, and Neetu Kapoor's daughter has always stayed away from the big screen. Ranbir Kapoor's sister is a jewellery designer by profession; she was always certain of not entering the showbiz like her family.
However, now, according to a report in Midday, Riddhima will be making her acting debut in the third season of The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives.
Riddhima will be joined by Kalyani Saha Chawla and Shalini Passi. The source reveals that the creative team wanted to introduce new faces. Riddhima, Kalyani, and Shalini are well-known celebrities based in Delhi; they are also connected to Bollywood in one way or another.
Shalini is an art and design collector, who is also a long-time friend of Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan. Kalyani is the founder of a silver luxury home decor brand and consultant for an international luxury label.
The three women are Karan Johar’s good friends and were happy to feature in his show.
Meanwhile, the first two seasons focused on the personal and professional lives of Neelam Kothari, Maheep Kapoor, Bhavna Pandey, and Seema Sajdeh, who are the wives of actors Samir Soni, Sanjay Kapoor, Chunky Pandey, and Sohail Khan (divorced), respectively.
The story will move forward as Maheep, Bhavna, Seema and Neelam meet the trio in Delhi.
Not just that, Neetu Kapoor will also make a special appearance in the third season. "It will offer a glimpse of her deep bond with daughter Riddhima," said the source.