Legendary Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan delighted his fans by greeting them outside his iconic Mumbai residence, Jalsa. He followed his Sunday ritual of meeting and greeting his fans outside his house. In a heartwarming gesture, Amitabh Bachchan stood up at the gate and met his fans, waving and acknowledging their love and support.
A video went viral on the internet in which we can see a large crowd gather outside his home, and catch a glimpse of the superstar on Sunday (August 11). Fans cheered loudly, with many capturing his glimpse on their phones to preserve the memory of seeing the superstar in person. The video caption reads, “The OG don, The Angry Young man, None Other than Amitabh Bachchan sir."
Big B donned a black hoodie as he appeared on the steps of Jalsa, folded his hands in gratitude, and waved to the excited crowd. As soon as the video went viral on the internet, many fans showered their love on social media. One of the users wrote, "Jaya Bachan jaisi toxic wife ko the rahe h sir aap ko bhi gold medal milna chahiye."
Another comment reads, “Supremacy toh ha BB k."
The third user wrote, “Big B (with heart emojis)."
"OG (with heart emojis)," the comment reads.
Despite his busy schedule and the demands of his work project, Amitabh took our time and maintained this tradition for years, and appreciate his for their under-waving supported him throughout his journey.
On the work front, Amitabh was last seen in Kalki 2898 AD. He will be next seen in the action drama film Vettaiyan, starring Rajinikanth in the titular role. It is written and directed by T. J. Gnanavel, and produced by Subaskaran Allirajah under Lyca Productions.