Actress Kangana Ranaut made heads turn on Saturday evening as she arrived at the wedding reception of Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan and her husband Nupur Shikhare in Mumbai. The actress' appearance at the wedding bash grabbed eyeballs as it was only a few months ago that she was launching scathing attacks at the 3 Idiots actor.
Kangana looked resplendent in a heavily embroidered and embellished pink and grey lehenga as she arrived at the wedding bash to extend her wishes and blessings to the newlyweds. She receiving a thunderous greeting from the paparazzi, who too were surprised to see her at the party, and made sure to capture her in their cameras.
Kangana was all smiles as she flaunted her curls and posed for the paps, and she was seen greeting them back with chants of "Jai Shri Ram".
Netizens were surprised to see Kangana at the wedding bash as a few days ago, she had publically claimed that Aamir had turned his back against her. She had said that Aamir was her mentor and her "best friend" during the initial days, but things changed from his side post her legal battle with actor Hrithik Roshan.
"One thing is for sure that he has mentored me, appreciated me, and shaped a lot of my choices, before Hrithik did that legal case on me. Post that they made their loyalties clear - it was one woman against entire industry," she had stated.
Not just that, but the actress made sure to not spare Aamir and his films in the recent past. During the release of Aamir's Laal Singh Chaddha, Kangana had called the actor a "mastermind" and had claimed that he himself was spreading the negativity surrounding his films. She had also labelled his film PK as "Hinduphobic".
I think all the negativity around upcoming release Laal Singh Chaddha is skillfully curated by mastermind Aamir Khan ji himself, this year no Hindi films have worked (barring one exception of a comedy sequel) only south films deeply rooted in Indian culture or with local flavour have worked, a Hollywood remake would have not worked anyway," she had written, adding, "But now they will call India intolerant, Hindi films need to understand the pulse of audiences it's not about being a Hindu or Muslim... even after Aamir Khan ji made Hinduphobic PK or called India intolerant he gave biggest hits of his life... please stop making it about religion or ideology, it's takes away from their bad acting and bad films."