Avika Gor had a busy 2022. The actress, who is gearing up for the release of her Bollywood debut 1920: Horrors Of The Heart, is looking forward to an exciting and engaging New Year. The film is written by Mahesh Bhatt, produced by Vikram Bhatt and directed by his daughter Krishna Bhatt. The Free Press Journal caught up with Avika for an exclusive chat. Excerpts:
How was 2022 for you?
2022 has been really amazing for me. There is a lot that I have learned, and there is a lot that I'm working on. So professionally, and personally, I have evolved a lot. I think the self-belief that I had has only increased and that happens because of the experiences and hardships that we all go through. So it has been an amazing journey where I am more confident and more content with where I am. And I am absolutely happy and excited about the future,” she said.
What do you hope for in 2023?
I’m really hoping to give some path-breaking and record-breaking performances in 2023. I think that’s what comes to my mind as soon as I think of 2023. So I’m definitely going to work very hard.
Tell us about your Bollywood debut.
The character that I’m playing is something that every actor would want to do once in a lifetime. And the story revolves around me, so I am definitely the most important person in the movie. I’m pretty excited about that project.
In 2021 you started your production company called Avika Screen Creations. How has it been for you so far?
2022 worked wonders for me as I am already done shooting for two movies under my banner. One of them is releasing early next year. So there’s a lot happening professionally, and I am absolutely grateful for the support, love, and blessings that I keep receiving from the fans. Because it motivates me and inspires me to push myself in a way to do something more than I expect myself to do. People have certain levels of expectations from me for doing good quality projects. And I really hope that I don't let them down.”
Would you like to change anything in 2023?
I’m more than happy with what’s going on and the way it’s going on. I think everything happens for a reason and all I have to do is keep patience and really work towards my craft, and take care of myself, my body, and my mental health. I think that's something that I can do on my part and the universe will take care of the rest.
Could you elaborate further?
Of course, not everything is fancy and glorious but it has been nice. It’s nice to learn from what doesn’t work for you. And I want those kinds of experiences in life and I want t2023 also to bring me those kinds of learnings. I'm okay to fall back and rise above again.
What do you wish 2023 to hold in store for you?
In 2023 I want more of the learnings that I’ve had in 2022. Other than that, a lot of success for my production house. It is a huge risk for an actor to do all of this at this age. But I have taken that step and it’s a big deal.
Tell us about your future plans.
A lot will depend on 1920: Horrors Of The Heart and how people react to it. And after that what kind of movies I’m offered in Hindi because at the end of the day I'm interested in doing a lot of Hindi movies. So I’m hoping and praying to receive a lot of good quality work in Hindi as well.