Hot Wheels Let's Race is an animated children's series that will be streamed globally on Netflix. The series is based on action and comedy genre which follows the newest generation of racers as they attend a racing camp. By combining the fascinating elements of the toy line with engaging storytelling, Hot Wheels Let's Race promises to deliver an exciting adventure for children.
Release Date & Platform
People across the world are eagerly awaiting Hot Wheels Let's Race to be released. The makers have announced that the series will be released on March 4 this year on Netflix. This announcement has generated significant buzz among fans of the Hot Wheels franchise. The series is ready to offer fans a new perspective on the world of racing.
Plot of Hot Wheels Let's Race
The series follows the journeys of six young racers who want to fulfill their dreams of racing greatness. With a passion for car racing and determination to succeed, these young racers face a series of obstacles and challenges in their path however along the way they learn important lessons of teamwork, sportmanship and confidence in themselves.
Cast & Crew
The cast of "Hot Wheels Let's Race comprises a versatile ensemble of voice actors which include Jakari Fraser who plays the role of Coop while Amari Mccoy plays the role of Spark. Risa Mei plays the character of Brights, Griffen Campbell plays the role of Mac, Josh Keaton plays the role of Axle, Grey Delidle plays the role of Dash Wheeler, Eric Bauza plays the role of Coop's Dad and Charlie Schlatter plays the role of Sidecar.
All you need to know about Hot Wheels Let's Race
The series is based on Hot Wheels by Mattel and developed by Jordan Gershowitz, Melanie Shannon and Rob David. Talking about production it is produced by Mattel and Netflix, executive producers are Frederic Soulie, Rob David and Christopher Keenan. It is Produced under Sprite Animation Studios OLM Digital. The original Language of the series is English whereas the composer of the theme is Patrick Stump.