Adipurush director Om Raut, who is currently at the receiving end of severe backlash ever since the release of his magnum opus, has now reacted to filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari’s version of Ramayana. Om's adaptation of the mythological epic continues to face public criticism for the poor quality of its dialogues and visual effects. That being said, Nitesh is also being trolled for having Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt play Lord Ram and Sita in his film.
Om told a news portal, "Nitesh is a great director and a good friend of mine. I have seen his work. I have seen Dangal. It's one of the finest films that our nation has made. Everything about the film - Aamir (Khan) sir, the actors, Nitesh sir's writings, and his direction - I think that's phenomenal. I am looking forward to the film like every Ram bhakt."
"As many films, we make on Ramayana, Prabhu Shri Ram, and everything on Rama, I think we will all root for that film or any other film that anybody is making. It's very important for us, it's the greatest history of our country, it's very important. We have to tell it as many times as we can, and as many people as possible should see the film," he added.
As per an internal industry source, Tiwari’s "Ramayana is going to be one of the biggest films to come out of India and is backed by one of the prominent visual effect companies in the world. Nitesh Tiwari who is one of the best directors in the country is working full-fledged. The film is assembling one of the biggest casts ever to have come on the Indian screen. The shoot of the film will begin by the end of this year."
It will be made on a massive scale, with some never seen before high-octane visuals. With state-of-the-art equipment, techniques, and effects implemented, the magnum opus is being undertaken by the largest team of qualified professionals from across the world who are ferociously working under the direction of Nitesh Tiwari. A grand VFX team, the biggest cast, and mega sets are being created to build the world of Ramayana.
Apart from this, Nitesh is set to bring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor-starrer 'Bawaal'. The film is slated to release on 6 Oct 2023.