President Droupadi Murmu has nominated Satnam Singh Sandhu, an educationist, for membership in the Rajya Sabha. The announcement, made by Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar, has been met with widespread acclaim and anticipation for the positive impact Sandhu may bring to the legislative arena.
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar expressed his enthusiasm for Sandhu's nomination on social media, highlighting the nominee's rich contributions to community service, education, innovation, and learning.
Early struggles and educational visionary
Satnam Singh Sandhu, born into a family of farmers in Punjab, faced numerous hardships during his early years. However, undeterred by the challenges, he emerged as a visionary in the field of education. Sandhu founded the Chandigarh Group of Colleges (CGC) at Landran in Mohali in 2001, creating a robust platform for quality education.
His commitment to providing educational opportunities continued with the establishment of the Chandigarh University in 2012, marking a significant chapter in his illustrious journey.
Philanthropy rooted in personal struggles
Sandhu's difficult childhood experiences fueled his passion for philanthropy. Actively engaged in providing financial assistance to students, he seeks to alleviate the burdens faced by those on a path similar to his own. Beyond education, his philanthropic endeavors extend to community initiatives aimed at improving the health and wellness of the masses.
A staunch advocate for communal harmony, Satnam Singh Sandhu manages two NGOs, the Indian Minorities Foundation and the New India Development (NID) Foundation. Through these organizations, he actively contributes to fostering unity and understanding among diverse communities in the country.