In a rather heartwarming video from the US, a kindergarten teacher wore a dress that she asked her students to colour on her last day. The teacher, who goes by the name Heather Stansberry on Instagram, shared the video on the platform which has gained over 136k likes.
In the video, Heather is seen to be wearing a white dress which was coloured by her students and states in the video that she plans to wear it and surprise them on her last day at the kindergarten.
"A few weeks ago I told my first class ever that they would be allowed to colour on my white dress for the last day of school. They were so excited. The day is finally here, the dress is all done. It's the last day I'm going to wear it and we're going to see their reactions," the California teacher stated in the video.
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Though Heather initially enters the classroom wearing a coat, she removes it show the dress which incites beautiful reactions from the students who scream and laugh at the surprise.
"The dress reveal!! Such a happy/sad day, my heart is so full," Heather said in the caption of the video, which has millions of views now.