According to Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu's announcement on Thursday, the Himachal Pradesh administration plans to introduce English-medium schooling starting in Class One of the upcoming academic year in all of the state's schools.
"To improve the quality of education and fulfill an election promise, the state government is implementing English medium education from class one in all government schools in the new academic session," he said to the assembly, as reported by PTI.
He was at Dharampur in the Mandi district, presiding over the 54th Statehood Day celebration when he made this statement.
Government also planning various development plans
The chief minister also added that the administration wants to create six green lanes by the end of March so that both residents and visitors can easily access e-charging stations. Thirteen charging stations will be operational in February, and over the course of the next two months, 108 stations will be installed at designated gas pumps. Five e-charging stations along the Kiratpur-Keylong Green Corridor are currently operating, he said, while three stations have been set up from Shimla to Bilaspur.
According to the chief minister, e-vehicles are being heavily pushed in Himachal, and as of January 1, all government departments are prohibited from purchasing gasoline or diesel vehicles. He also recalled the enormous efforts that former prime minister Indira Gandhi and Dr. Y S Parmar, the first chief minister of Himachal Pradesh, made to the state's attainment of independence. Sukhu stated that the Dharampur Sub-division of the Mandi district was celebrating Statehood Day for the first time.
He further added, "the state government is working tirelessly to serve the people in the ongoing journey of development, ensuring relief and development reach every section of society."
(With inputs from PTI)