Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court on Thursday said it will not interfere in the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education's decision to change the timing of the class 10th examination beginning February 2. ADVERTISEMENT The court observed that the rescheduling of the examination time from 11:45 am to 9:45 am just a couple of weeks ahead of the Madhyamik examination will impact the convenience of examinees.
The court noted that the counsels for the state and the board submitted that administrative measures for providing logistical support for the examination, in which several lakh students will appear, is complete.
Justice Biswajit Basu said any disturbance to the said situation may cause a serious impact on the examination process. He said for this reason, this court was refraining from interfering with the rescheduling.
The court directed the board and the state to ensure that students do not face any difficulties. The court ordered the board to open an adequate number of helplines for examinees in all districts.
It said if any student faces difficulty to reach the examination centre, the board will take measures to ensure that the student reaches the centre on time. The court directed the board to file a compliance report on Wednesday next.
While seeking that the schedule be brought back to the original timing followed in the previous years, the petitioner said no reason was cited by the board for changing the examination time. The petitioner, a teacher, also said the advancement of timing will affect the examinees.