The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has introduced a unique measure to accommodate students who missed the submission deadline for the BSEB Secondary and Intermediate Examination 2024, according to media reports. In an attempt to provide a second chance for those unable to enroll in the annual exams, the BSEB is set to conduct a special examination in April. This initiative underscores the board's commitment to supporting students and ensuring equal opportunities for education.
The BSEB emphasized the significance of timely enrollment for students aspiring to pursue higher education. Recognizing the challenges some students faced in submitting examination forms on time, the special examination in April aims to rectify this issue.
Results for the BSEB Secondary and Intermediate Special Examination 2024 are anticipated to be announced in May 2024, allowing students to gauge their performance and plan their educational trajectories accordingly.
Participants to receive same division classification
It's noteworthy that participants in the special examination will receive the same division classification as obtained in the annual examination, maintaining fairness and consistency. In addition to introducing the special examination, the BSEB has also released the Bihar Board Intermediate Exam date sheet for 2024.
The written exams are scheduled to take place from February 1 to February 12, 2024, while practical exams are slated to commence on January 10. These measures collectively demonstrate the board's commitment to facilitating a conducive educational environment and ensuring that students have ample opportunities to showcase their academic capabilities.