A viral video is trending on social media platforms in which famous history teacher, Avadh Ojha takes some harsh instances on current government. In the video he said, "what is Modiji waiting for, he should dissolve the constitution and wear a crown. Mughal dynasty has been removed from the syllabus, it's time for us to read about a new dynasty, Modi dynasty."
He further said, "It is not an issue if PM Modi does not have any children, Muhammad Ghori too did not had any linage, his commanders were his children."
He goes on to say that the new parliament building will be the palace of Modi. Commenting at the new parliament he said, "It's a beautiful thing, everyone abuses each other there." He added, "If there is a situation of emergency, I will cross Nepal border as it's near my hometown Gonda,"
The video was also shared by Karan Sangwan, a Legal affairs teacher who was in controversy last month over his "uneducated politician" remark. The teacher was then sacked by the Unacademy.
According to the reports, Avadh Ojha was also previously associated with the ed-tech giant Unacademy but is currently taking classes of his own.
A X user sharing the post writes, "Only a Bihari can stand up to fascist. Go ojha sir we all upsc aspirants behind you"