Bhopal: Popular Bhojpuri actor and BJP’s Member of Parliament, Manoj Tiwari slammed Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for his controversial statement on women sex education on Wednesday. He wondered how could Nitish Kumar say such a thing on the floor of Bihar Assembly. “What would have been the situation of women present in the (Bihar) Assembly,” he fumed. Manoj Tiwari also made a serious comment on the Bihar CM and said that Nitish Kumar "watches dirty films in the night and wakes up with dirty mindset in the morning."
The BJP MP also raised questions over gestures made by Nitish in the assembly while he made the crude remarks on educated women and birth control.
Comments made on the sideline of campaigning
The BJP MP was speaking to a news channel on the sidelines of the campaigning done by him for BJP candidate from Bhopal Dakshin Pashchim, Bhagwan Das Sabnani in Bhim Nagar on Wednesday (November 8). He said that Nitish Kumar had lost his mind and that the Bihar CM had undone all the good work he had done in the past and "soiled" his political legacy.
Manoj Tiwari campaigns for Sabnani
Meanwhile, while addressing the canvassing programme he also won the hearts of the voters by singing a song in the praise of Sabnani. He asked voters to bless Sabnani for the development. He assured voters that if Sabnani is going to win the election then it will be his responsibility that the roofless people should build their house in the area of the constituency itself.
Nitish kicks up a storm
The Bihar Assembly witnessed uproarious scenes that soon spread across the country on Wednesday over the vulgar remarks of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar in the house while speaking on the role of educated women able to stop unwanted pregnancies.
Bihar CM apologies for remarks
As the BJP mounted scathing attacks, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on Wednesday apologised for his remarks in the assembly. "I apologise, and I take back my words," he told reporters after BJP legislators did not allow him to enter the legislative assembly.