Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has released Rs 207 crore as cycle allowance to nearly 4.5 lakh students across Madhya Pradesh, in Bhopal on Thursday. An amount of Rs 4500 was transferred to bank account of each student in a click. The Chief Minister has also urged students to use the money for only buying cycles.
CM Chouhan said that the move aims to ease students' commute to schools and make sure the distance does not pose a barrier between youths and education.
Chouhan also inaugurated the CM Rise Mahatma Gandhi School in Barkheda. The CM Rise schools are said to impart quality education at minimal fees to students from underprivileged sections of the society.
Madhya Pradesh's Education Minister Inder Singh Parmar, MLA from Bhopal's Govindpura constituency Krishna Gaur were present on the occasion.