Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A video from 2020– when Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia had freshly joined BJP, has resurfaced on social media, leaving many people amused and puzzled. In the video, Scindia can be seen addressing a public gathering in Dabra—which was due for bypoll then, after Imarti Devi followed her ‘Maharaj’ and left Congress to join BJP. While delivering the speech, Scindia accidentally urged people to vote for the Congress instead of the BJP.
During the video, Scindia says, "vishvas dilao ki hath k panje ka button dabega," but he quickly corrects himself by saying, "kamal k phool ka button dabega."
This slip of the tongue has created quite a buzz on social media, with many finding it amusing and perhaps a reflection of Scindia's lingering connection to the Congress, despite his physical presence in the BJP.