Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) announced the dates for the 2024-2025 High School and Higher Secondary exams on Tuesday. The High School exams will begin on February 27 and conclude on March 19. Meanwhile, the Higher Secondary exams will start on February 25 and end on March 25. The exams for regular, private, blind, and differently-abled (deaf-mute) students will also be conducted on the same date. The exam schedule is available on the board’s website at
For the 2023-24 session, the 10th class exams were held from February 5 to February 28, while the 12th class exams took place from February 6 to March 5.
Additionally, the dates for the 10th and 12th exams were announced on August 2, 2023. During that session, a total of 18.22 lakh students took the 10th and 12th board exams. Specifically 9.6 lakh students appeared for the 10th class exams across 3,868 exam centers, while 8.5 lakh students took the 12th class exams at 7,501 centers.
Box: Box: Class 10th Time table
Feb 27- Hindi
Feb 28- Urdu
March 1- NSQF
March 3- English
March 5- Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Sindhi(Only for Deaf & Dumb Students)- Painting, Gayan vadan, Tabla Pakhavaj, Computer
March 6- Sanskrit
March 10- Mathematics
March 13- Social Science
March 19- Science
Box: Class 12th time table
Feb 25- Hindi
Feb 28- English
March 1- Urdu, Marathi
March 4- Physics, Economics
March 5- Biotechnology, Tabla Pakhavaj, Gyan Vadan
March 6- Drawing and Designing
March 7- Geography, Crop production and Horticulture, Still Life and Design, Anatomy Physiology and Health
March 8- Biology
March 10- Psychology
March 11- Informatics Practices
March 12- Sanskrit
March 17- Chemistry, History, Business Studies
March 19- NSQF
March 20- Sociology
March 22- Agriculture, Home Science, Book Keeping and Accoountancy
March 24- Political Science
March 25- Mathematics