Madhya Pradesh Belongs To Tribal People, Everyone Else Came Later: Former CM Kamal Nath

Madhya Pradesh Belongs To Tribal People, Everyone Else Came Later: Former CM Kamal Nath

Addressing the program, Nath said, "The father and son duo (Shankar Shah and Raghunath Shah) fought against the British, went to jail and later they were blown up with cannon.

ANIUpdated: Monday, September 18, 2023, 06:44 PM IST
Former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath |

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) Chief Kamal Nath has said that Madhya Pradesh belongs to tribal people, while everyone else came later.

Nath made the remark while addressing a program on the sacrifice day of tribal leaders Raja Shankar Shah and Kunwar Raghunath Shah in the state capital Bhopal. Raja Shankar Shah and Kunwar Raghunath Shah were killed by the Britishers on September 18, 1857.

'Tribal people have to fight for their rights today'

Addressing the program, Nath said, "The father and son duo (Shankar Shah and Raghunath Shah) fought against the British, went to jail and later they were blown up with cannon. If we see the history of Madhya Pradesh, then the state belongs to the tribal people, everyone else came later. But today, the tribal people have to fight for their rights." You (tribal) learned to do hard work but did not learn to use your mouths. This is a big flaw in you. If anyone has the first right in the state then it is tribal people and we together will fight for this right. The maximum atrocities were committed against tribal people in Madhya Pradesh, he added.

"Many atrocities were committed against tribal people in the state which were not reported and didn't come to light. Madhya Pradesh is number one in tribal atrocities and it embarrasses the state," Nath said.

'It is the election for the future of Madhya Pradesh'

Coming down on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the congress leader said that instead of giving, the BJP snatched from the tribal people in the last 18 years. If you (tribal) people didn't fight unitedly, you would remain there. You should make a demand letter.

"The upcoming assembly polls slated later this year is not of any candidate or the party, it is the election of the future of Madhya Pradesh. I have the most hope from the tribal people. Don't support Congress or Kamal Nath, but support the truth. Tribal people have always supported the truth. If the tribal people are determined then no one can stop them from making changes," Nath added.


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