Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Bhopal police will launch Yataayat Mitra Yojana by April end under which residents can assist traffic police in ensuring smooth vehicular flow in the city.
Police officials said decision to implement the scheme was taken after police commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra chaired a meeting with the traffic police department recently. A Citizen Cop portal will be launched on which people desirous of assisting the traffic police can register themselves. The registrations will also be accepted on Citizen Cop website.
Sources said that people who would register themselves would be required to assist traffic police in areas that witness jams frequently. They will be provided traffic police jackets and a whistle for the purpose.
"Those faring well will be awarded every Monday, which may include cash prize or other rewards," an official wishing anonymity said. At present, Bhopal police are identifying areas where traffic jams occur most.
Police officials said a similar initiative was implemented in the city in 2017 but it could not make a dent as police officials incharge of it were transferred to other places.
Nodal officer
Police commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra said that a nodal officer would be appointed to look after the initiative and to find loopholes that hampered smooth commute on city roads. The officer will also seek feedback from citizens and resolve issues to ensure smooth traffic flow.