Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The first day of monsoon session of Madhya Pradesh assembly started on a stormy note on Tuesday. No sooner did the functioning of the house commenced, Opposition raked the Sidhi Pee Gate incident.
The house paid tributes to the departed souls of Ex MLA,s and noted politicians ex-CM of Punjab including Prakash Singh Badal and victims of Indore temple incident.
In zero hour, leader of Opposition Dr Govind Singh requested speaker to allow discussion on the Sidhi incident. Over this demand, Congress MLAs trooped to the well, plunging house into the din.
Seeing this, speaker adjourned the house for ten minutes. When house resumed its functioning after 10 minutes, Opposition continued to press the demand for discussion on Sidhi Pee gate. Congress MLAs raised slogans stop atrocities against trials. They reached inside the well of the house, plunging house into the pandemonium. Amidst the sloganeering done by the Opposition, speaker completed the listed business of the day and adjourned assembly till Wednesday.