Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Lokayukta police on Tuesday registered a case against the former MLA Paras Chand Jain in an alleged land scam and misusing MLA discretionary fund or Local Area Development fund. The FIR has been registered against him, seven officials of PWD and district planning statistics officer of Ujjain.
Complainant Dinesh Chouhan in his complaint to Lokayukta stated that the then MLA Paraschand Jain had purchased 15 bigha land in the name of his wife for Rs 80 lakh. But along with the land, he had captured 2 bigha government land adjoining nullah.
He alleged that the MLA misused his MLA discretionary fund of the year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. A sum of Rs 153.72 lakh were spent on the retaining wall on the nullah and also to cover his land, which is misuse of the post and the fund. He also alleged that Jain prepared a proposal of Rs 44.76 lakh in the financial year 2023-24 to complete the wall work.
The planning and statistics department officials gave the allocation for the constructions, which is again the misuse of the government funds. The Lokayukta have registered the case under Section 7-13(1)A, 13(2) of Anti Corruption Act and under Sections 420,120-B of IPC against Paraschand Jain, the then superintendent engineer of PWD Ujjain Rajendra Kumar Jain, the then SE GP Patel, the then SE Sema Sagar, SDO Sandeep Beniwal, SDO Sharad Tripathi, deputy engineer Gautam Ahirwar and district planning and statistics officer Rajshree Sankale. The police have started the investigation.