Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): While free-ranging ‘Dhatri’ was found dead on Wednesday morning, another female Cheetah Nirva- now the last feline in the wild- is missing for the last twenty days. Whether the Cheetah is alive or dead is not clear. “The drone is being deployed to locate Nirva but owing to dense tree cover jungles, it is proving of little use,” said a Kuno staffer.
“It was a long time back that the radio collar of Nirva had stopped sending the signals. The steps are being taken to locate the Cheetah but there is no sign of her for the last twenty days,” he said. The officials, in the past had claimed that Nirva was sighted on a few occasions but they remained tightlipped about her location. There are apprehensions that Nirva might have been attacked as she was moving in the jungle having a vast population of leopards. Senior officers of Kuno National Park could not be reached for comment.