ISRO shared a video captured by a Lander Imager Camera on August 29. It showed how the Chandrayaan-3 rover smartly took a spin on the moon to check out all routes and choose the best one to proceed. The incident where the rover rotated in search of a safe route reminded the space organisation of childhood days. "It feels as though a child is playfully frolicking in the yards of Chandamama, while the mother watches affectionately," they said on X. Check post below:
Chandrayaan-3 rover's playful rotation on the moon
In the video, we can see the rover of India's lunar mission finding the safe and best route for research. The way in which it rotated there was an interesting and eye-grabbing one. Similar to how a kid would go around themself in happiness or playing a game, the Chandryaan-3 rover did the same. It rotated on the moon as if it was playing and frolicking in the yards of Chandamama, one of the dearest ways to address the moon as stated in our bedtime stories.
Details provided by India's lunar mission
The Pragyan rover confirmed in a fresh experiment the presence of Sulphur in the lunar South Pole region. "The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectroscope (APXS) has detected S, as well as other minor elements," ISRO said.