A screenshot from the Zomato chat window has surfaced online and gone viral. It throws light on the message sent by a delivery partner during a late-night order. A girl who had purportedly ordered food from Subway around 2:30 a.m. received an unusual and concerning text from the delivery agent.
Informing that he had picked up the parcel and was on the to deliver it, he asked the customer whether there was something else they needed apart from the things listed in the order so that he could deliver that too when he arrived at their doorstep. "I am on my way to deliver your order. Khuch chahiye app ko (Do you want something)," read the initial texts. Later, he asked (in Hindi) whether the customer needed "Cigarette Ganja."
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The messages sent by the Zomato delivery partner raised concerns. The screenshot was shared on X (formerly Twitter) by her roommate. The post took the internet by storm. As the words were written in Devanagari fonts, there isn't clarity about what it exactly referred to. One of the replies hilariously said guessing, "Plot twist - he is from kesh Kanti and he’s asking if you’re secret ganja (bald) and need some hair oil." Others wondered if the man ran a side business of illegally supplying tobacco products and drugs to customers.
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