What are you having during snack time today? In case you planned some street food and it is pani puri, we warn you not to look at the video that's gone viral. Just a hint that the foodie reel is about a fusion of mango juice (Aamras) and pani puri. WATCH VIDEO:
The video was posted by a food blogging page on Instagram. It was noted that the food was created at Santacruz, Mumbai. The recipe started with the chef pouring a packet of mango juice into a bowl to mark the summer mood. Later, he filled the puri with traditional stuffings until the video concluded with mango juice being added to the dish.
Did the weird pani puri recipe go well with netizens? It didn't seem like the internet loved the quirky food preparation. While some wondered why such combinations come up every day, others looked for a dislike button on social media to react to the food reel.
Also, this isn't the first time that people are being informed about a Mango pani puri or the Aamras pani puri. The food preparation had taken the internet by storm back in the days of 2018.