Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): MP Chief Minister Mohan Yadav participated in the Shri Ram Raahgiri program organised in Ujjian's Ankpat Marg on Sunday. It is noteworthy that the Raahgiri program was dedicated to the grand Ram Temple consecration ceremony to be held in Ayodhya on Monday, 22 January.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister said, “22nd January is going to be a day of great pride, joy and historicity for the country. On this day, Bhava Pran Pratishtha program will be organised in Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya. In this sequence, various types of programmes are being organised by the Madhya Pradesh government from January 16 to January 22.”
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Also, CM Yadav first reached Ankpat gate located at Ankpat Marg and performed aarti of the artists playing the characters of Lord Shri Ram, Laxman, Mata Sita and Lord Hanuman and garlanded them. After this, a ride was taken out on the chariot of Lord Shri Ram.
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Recitation of Akhand Ramayan begins at Mahakaleshwar
On the auspicious occasion of the consecration of Shri RamLala in Ayodhya, the recitation of Akhand Ramayan has been started on Sunday (21st January) in the Shri Ram Mandir located inside Shri Mahakaleshwar Temple. On January 22 around 12 pm the recitation will be concluded with a purnahuti.
Maha Aarti of Lord Shri Ram, Deepotsav, Chhappan Bhog and other programmes will be conducted at Mahakaleshwar on Sunday evening also.