An AI-generated video of Ayodhya Ram has gone viral on social media, winning the hearts of several netizens. People found the video to be cute as it showed the enchanting idol moving eyes, blinking, and smiling gracefully. While it is unclear who created the video with the help of artificial intelligence, it has taken the internet by storm in the wake of the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha.
As the video went viral, netizens reacted to it with heart and prayer emojis. The adorable video of Ram Lalla opened by showing him full of life. His mesmerising smile and gaze seemed like he personally established eye contact with his devotees visiting the holy premises and seeking his darshan. The video communicated the idea that Lord Ram was happy about returning to Ayodhya after a long wait.
Ram Mandir Inauguration
On January 22, India marked one of its landmark events. The country vibed in the festive spirit and celebrated Diwali, on the note of the grand inauguration of the Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh.
PM Modi in the presence of several dignitaries, participated in the Pran Pratishtha ceremony and shared glimpses of the deity on social media through live streaming.
Noting the historic day, several states announced holidays and work relaxations for people, leading to many families witnessing the event live at their homes together.