India's rocket startup Skyroot Aerospace on Friday successfully began its space journey with its rocket Vikram-S and dawning of a new chapter in the country's space history pages. The rocket launched from Sriharikota at 11.30 a.m. today, i.e., on November 18, 2022.
Here are a few facts that you should know about the mission 'Prarambh.'
The Vikram-S is developed by a four-year-old start-up based in Hyderabad.
Naga Bharath Daka and Pawan Chandana are the co-developers who developed India's first private rocket.
They named their company Skyroot Aerospace, which was founded in 2018.
This mission is called 'Prambh,' which means "the beginning," and it carries three payloads built by N Space Tech India in Andhra Pradesh, Space Kids in Chennai, and Armenia's BazoomQ Space Research Lab.
The rocket is named 'Vikram-S' after the father of the Indian Space Program, Vikram Sarabhai.
The Vikram-S traveled to an altitude of 89.5 km.
Skyroot Aerospace has raised INR 526 crore in capital so far, and the company aims to create "open space for all."
The Vikram-S will place the payload in a 500 km low inclination orbit.
S. Somanath, the chairperson of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), stated on Thursday that the space agency has registered approximately 100 start-ups.
"I am happy to announce the successful completion of Mission Prarambh - the beginning of Skyroot Aerospace," said Pawan Kumar Goenka, Chairman of INSPACe.