The Pune city police are gearing up to host a unique and engaging event called 'Tejomay Sohala'. This special citizen connect event is scheduled to take place on November 4 and 5 at the Pune Police Headquarters in Shivajinagar. The event will run from 11am to 10pm, providing a full day of activities and engagement for the public.
Here's what you can look forward to at this exciting event:
1. Police stalls:
At the heart of the event, visitors will discover special police stalls where various units of the Pune Police, including CID, SRPF, CPR, and the Bharosha cell, will be in attendance. These units will introduce themselves and showcase their work and accomplishments, offering a fantastic opportunity for the public to gain insights into the multifaceted role of the police in the community.
2. Cyber Crime awareness and Dog shows:
Given the increasing concern about cybercrime in today's digital age, there will be a focus on raising awareness about cyber threats and how to protect oneself from cyber fraud. This section will provide valuable information on cybercrime prevention and understanding. Additionally, there will be entertaining dog shows demonstrating the role of police dogs in investigations. Visitors will also have the chance to see police weapon exhibitions, shedding light on the tools and equipment used by law enforcement.
3. Bharosha cell:
The Bharosha cell, which specialises in handling domestic disputes and providing counselling services to couples, will be present to showcase their work and engage with the public.
4. Food zone:
For the food enthusiasts, there will be a designated food zone where you can savour a variety of culinary delights.
5. Kids zone:
The main attraction of the event is the dedicated kids' zone, featuring a science zone that promises fun and educational experiences for children.
6. Marathi film celebrities:
To add a touch of glamour and excitement, Marathi film celebrities are expected to make appearances at the event.
7. Cultural programmes:
The event will feature cultural programmes that showcase local talent, adding an artistic flair to the overall experience.
Moreover, the event will include over 150 stalls where various organizations and businesses will showcase their work and special initiatives. Additionally, several NGOs will participate, showcasing their work and contributions to the community.