The Robin Hood Army (RHA), a zero-funds volunteer organisation dedicated to combating hunger, is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a monumental campaign. From August 15 to August 26, RHA aims to serve 10 million meals to those in need worldwide.
Over the past decade, RHA has delivered 141.2 million meals across 406 cities, focussing on the most marginalised communities. This year’s anniversary campaign will unite civilians, creators, media houses, and corporations to achieve this ambitious goal. A dedicated team of 2.51 lakh volunteers, known as Robins, will work tirelessly to provide nourishing meals and rations, particularly to the economically disadvantaged in rural and urban India.
Additionally, the RHA will host the #CitizensCup, a series of cricket and football tournaments for 10,000 children living on the streets. This initiative aims to bring these children joy, pride, and dignity, with thousands of volunteers cheering them on and creating lasting memories.
In Pune, the organisation is calling on residents to donate Annapurna Bags containing essential items such as 5 kg of flour, 3 kg of rice, 1 kg of chana dal, and 1 kg of poha. These donations will support Adivasi and tribal families in rural areas, as well as the transgender community, disabled individuals, orphanages, and old-age homes.
RHA's innovative approach, which includes collecting surplus food from restaurants and distributing it to the less fortunate, has made a significant impact. The organisation, now a Harvard case study, operates on a strict no-funds basis and relies on social media and partnerships to scale its efforts.