The employment fair, organized in Pune Cantonment Constituency jointly by the District Skill Development Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center and Shri Swami Vivekananda Shikshan Sanstha, Pune, received a special visit from Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil. During the event, Minister Patil urged the youth to explore new employment sectors and seize the opportunity presented at the gathering.
The program was graced by the presence of MLA Sunil Kamble, former state minister Dilip Kamble, and Mahesh Punde.
Addressing the gathering, Minister Patil highlighted the prevailing notion that graduation marks the beginning of one's career. However, he emphasized the availability of short-term vocational training courses that provide a diverse range of skills, allowing youths to develop themselves. Furthermore, he emphasized that numerous new fields offer opportunities even without traditional training.
Highlighting the government's commitment to employment generation, Minister Patil stated that the Maharashtra government aims to provide employment opportunities to 75 thousand citizens this year, as part of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence.