A doctor and six other businessmen in the city have been defrauded of ₹1.21 crore after being lured into investing in share trading schemes. A case has been registered against various Telegram, WhatsApp, and bank account holders, along with cyber criminals, at the Nashik City Cyber Police Station.
According to the police, between March and July 2024, cybercriminals contacted the doctor and six other businessmen through WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Telegram. They were added to Telegram and WhatsApp groups, where they received information about the share market, including small but important details. They were enticed with promises of significant returns from small investments and even greater profits from larger investments in a short period.
To convince them, cybercriminals sent various videos, PowerPoint presentations, and interview clips portraying successful investments. These materials claimed that investing a certain amount yielded extra money and a profitable outcome, emphasising that financial benefits could double over time through share trading. Convinced by these claims, the doctor invested ₹50 lakh as instructed by the suspects.
However, when no refund was received within the promised period and contact with the suspects ceased, the victims realised they had been cheated. They approached the Cyber Police Station and lodged a complaint. Similarly, other professionals, who invested lakhs of rupees and were also deceived, filed complaints after failing to get their money back.
"Do not join any unknown WhatsApp or Telegram groups. Do not click on any suspicious links. Share trading scams have proven to be fraudulent. Avoid falling prey to any lure of easy money. Always go directly to official agencies and companies for information about trading. Contact the Cyber Police Station to avoid fraud," said Riyaz Shaikh, Senior Police Inspector, Cyber Police Station.