A potential 10-day alcohol ban during Ganeshotsav has sparked discussions in Pune as preparations for the festival are underway. During a recent meeting with representatives of over 300 Ganesh Mandals at the Shivajinagar Police Headquarter auditorioum, some Mandals proposed implementing a liquor ban throughout the 10-day celebration.
The meeting, led by Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, also addressed various concerns, including the use of traditional drums versus DJs in immersion processions. The next meeting is expected to finalise decisions on these matters, including the number of dhol teams allowed in processions.
Kumar added that the decision will be made after considering public opinion on the matter.
3-day ban in 2023
In 2023, during Ganeshotsav, Pune district collector had ordered the closure of all liquor shops for three days during the Ganpati festival to maintain law and order. The district collector has issued orders according to the Prohibition Act, 1949. Thus, in 2023, Ganesh Chaturthi was observed on September 28, and on the immersion day in the Pune district, liquor shops remained closed for the entire day. Additionally, liquor shops were closed on the 5th and 7th days of immersion until the completion of the immersion process in the respective areas.
Thus, this year, it will be of great curiosity to see what decision the district collector will make, as the mandals have demanded a 10-day ban.
Commissioner Kumar also mentioned that Ganesha Mandals with prior permissions, as per Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s 2022 announcement, do not need to renew their permits for five years. A special window scheme will be available for new mandals. The police urged Mandals to ensure that festival stalls do not cause traffic congestion.