Satara: A young woman reportedly fell 100 feet while taking a selfie at Borne Ghat on Ungar Road in Maharashtra's Satara district. The incident occurred on Saturday during her visit to the area, which has been experiencing heavy rainfall, according to reports. Her carelessness proved costly as she slipped and fell. Locals managed to rescue her using a rope, and the dramatic rescue operation was captured on video, which has since gone viral.
Video Shows Dramatic Rescue Visuals
The video shows locals throwing a thick rope down the gorge, with a man descending to lift the woman to safety. She was heard crying out in pain as she was brought back up. The woman was admitted to a local hospital, where she is receiving treatment. Although she sustained multiple injuries and remains in critical condition, she is reported to be out of danger.
Influencer Aanvi Kamdar's Death
In another tragic incident reported recently, Mumbai resident and famous travel influencer Aanvi Kamdar, 26, died after falling into a gorge while shooting an Instagram Reel at Kumbhe waterfall near Raigad in Maharashtra. Aanvi was well-known for her travel content on Instagram. She fell into the 350-foot gorge while filming with her friends on Tuesday, July 16.
The rescue operation was extensive, involving the Coast Guard and local rescue teams. Aanvi was rescued after about six hours. Seriously injured by the fall, she was taken to a nearby hospital but succumbed to her injuries during treatment.
Dramatic Rescue Operation Conducted
According to reports, rescuers reached the spot where she fell within 15 minutes. One rescuer told local news agencies that large stones were falling on them as they tried to reach her. Initially, they thought she might have died, but upon checking, they found she was still breathing and responded faintly.
The rescuers carried Aanvi for some distance on a stretcher and then lifted her using a rope. She was admitted to Mangaon Taluka Government Hospital, where she eventually passed away.