Dombivli's Tilak Nagar police have arrested a 35-year-old auto-rickshaw driver for allegedly killing his peer during a fight over a parking issue on Friday night. The victim was identified as Ashwin Kamble, 28, who lived with his parents, wife and son in the Golavli village, Manpada.
Following a heated argument over stationing the vehicle in the queue of autos in the Khambalpada area, the accused, Sunil Rathod from Dombivli, attacked Kamble in a fit of rage, police said. The victim started to profusely bleed and collapsed. Meanwhile, bystanders alerted the local police station.
Kamble was taken to Shashtrinagar Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The body was handed over to his family following a post-mortem. Investigation officer Vijay Kadam said, “We rushed to the spot after receiving information about the incident. We arrested the accused and charged him with murder. He was produced in court and remanded to police custody for four days for further investigation.”