The Pune Police have registered an FIR under various sections of the IPC against Sujit Patkar, a close aide and business partner of Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) MP Sanjay Raut for fraudulently obtaining the contract of the Jumbo COVID Center in Pune's Shivaji Nagar as alleged by complainant BJP's Kirit Somaiya.
He has been booked under IPC sections 420, 406, 465, 467, 468, 471, 511, and 34.
Shiv Sena MLA Sanjay Shirsat files case against Sanjay Raut for spreading "fake news"
Shiv Sena MLA Sanjay Shirsat on Thursday filed a case against Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut for allegedly spreading "fake news" regarding the number of deaths from heat stroke in Kharghar.
"He should not do politics on this. We have registered a case against him for spreading fake news against him and for that only we had come to police station, said Shirsat.
"Sanjay Raut is spreading false news. Whatever happened at Kharghar is a saddening incident. As Sanjay Raut is saying 50 people have died, then he should give proof for that", Shirsat added.
On Thursday Raut has alleged that at least 50 to 75 people who attended the Maharashtra Bhushan Award ceremony in Navi Mumbai's Kharghar died after suffering from heatstroke and dehydration but the government is trying to hide the number.
(With ANI inputs)