After senior journalist Nikhil Wagle was attacked by BJP workers as he headed to the ‘Nirbhay Bano’ meet at Nilu Phule auditorium in the city on Friday evening, several of his lady colleagues especially from MVA, also suffered injuries in a similar attack on them. NCP's Supriya Sule has launched a scathing attack on the BJP. Taking to X she has said, "While attacking the car of journalist Nikhil Wagle and colleagues, the frenzy of the BJP mob was inexcusable. Bhakti Kumbhar and other sisters who had come to protect Wagle's car were also beaten up by the BJP goons and verbally abused."
The angry karyakartas condemned the Shinde-Fadnavis government and demanded the resignation of Dy CM Devendra Fadnavis.
Supriya Sule further said, "On the one hand it is called beti bachu and on the other hand women are treated like this, why is this the honor of women power and why is this the culture of BJP? Why does the BJP still feel the need to make a fuss in the hands of the majority government, the entire government administration in the country and the state? What exactly are they afraid of? Does BJP not accept democracy? How did you dare to raise your hands on the lackeys? Public protest of BJP raising hands on women."
A video of the incident purportedly showed BJP workers surrounding the car, throwing ink at the vehicle and breaking its windscreen and window panes with rods. The mob was also heard chanting 'Jai Shri Ram'.
Nikhil Wagle reacted earlier on Saturday saying that he has sustained 5 attacks and will not fear giving up his life to save India from becoming a 'Hindu Pakistan'.