Navi Mumbai: In order to prevent vehicular congestion during Ganpati immersion, the Navi Mumbai traffic police have announced traffic diversions near the immersion sites. In addition, there will be a special traffic diversion on September 29 for the procession of Eid-e-Milad.
The one-and-a-half-day Ganpati immersion will take place tomorrow. Similarly, the five-day immersion will fall on September 24, the seventh day has been scheduled for September 25 while the final tenth day will be observed on September 28.
During these days, there will be a ban on vehicle movement from Blue Diamond Chowk in Vashi to the Shabri Hotel at the Vashi-Koparkhairane Road. As an alternative, motorists will have to take to Palm Beach Road via the Kopri Chowk signal. Similarly, no traffic will be allowed from the Arenja Circle to Shivaji Chowk upto Noor Masjid and Jagreteshwar pond in Vashi. City Bank Chhatrapati Shambhaji Chowk can be taken as a detour. In Koparkhairane, there will be a ban on vehicular movement from the Sangam Dairy to the Creek Road at sector 19 hence motorists will have to proceed via the Bhimashankar Road. Fire brigade, ambulances, police vans and vehicles deployed for essential services have been exempted from the ban.