The Maharashtra Bhushan Award, to be given by the state government, will be presented to the senior social activist and Padma Shri awardee Dr. Appa Saheb Dharmadhikari by the Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday at the Corporate Park in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. The preparations for this grand event have been underway for a few days now. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde himself visited the venue twice to oversee the arrangements. The Chief Minister expressed confidence that this program will go down in history and be remembered as a successful event. He has invited officials, employees, and members to participate in the event and make it a grand success.
The event will be held tomorrow morning around 10 o'clock. To make it happen, officials, employees, and members from various departments like the Municipal Corporation, CIDCO, Public Works, Police, and Health are working hard. During the event, Padma Shri Appasaheb Dharmadhikari will be honored by showering flower petals by helicopter. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and Cultural Affairs Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar will also be present along with the Dharmadhikari family.
For this event, arrangements have been made in advance to accommodate more than twenty lakh attendees. Planning has been done to ensure availability of drinking water, clean toilets, parking facilities, and smooth transportation. A bus service has also been arranged for citizens to travel from nearby railway stations to the location. Around 250 tankers and 2,200 taps have been installed for drinking water supply. Medical facilities are also available with 69 ambulances, 350 doctors, 100 nurses, and other staff. In terms of sanitation, 32 mobile toilets, 4,200 portable toilets, and 9,000 permanent toilets have been built. For cleanliness, 60 jetting machines, 4,000 sanitation workers, and 26 fire brigade vehicles are available. Parking has been arranged at 22 locations, and 600 volunteers and 200 employees have been deployed for this purpose.
For the proper planning of this festival, Chief Minister Shinde has taken two direct meetings to ensure the preparations are made with care. The Chief Minister has instructed to make arrangements to avoid any obstacles for the citizens to attend the program at the venue.