Aam Aadmi Party's Navi Mumbai unit has opposed the move of felling 194 trees for road widening in Sanpada-Juinagar. The party's objection came after the municipal corporation's garden department had sought complaints and suggestions before going ahead with the planned activity.
The civic body is required to allow public time to object to or suggest alternatives before carrying out activities like tree felling.
District Joint Secretary, Prof Vilas Ujagare in his mail to the municipality requested the civic body to prevent the city from becoming a concrete jungle.
"The city can be a modern one with environmental balance. This is the modest hope of every citizen who spends lakhs of their hard-earned money and buy a house in Navi Mumbai," he wrote.
He added, "So, in this background, the slaughter of 194 trees is certainly not justified. An alternative arrangement for road widening can certainly be made.”