The Special Judge for CBI Cases, Gandhinagar on Monday sentenced Vidhya Sagar Acharya, the then Senior Assistant Financial Advisor (Construction), O/o the Dy. F&CAO, Western Railway, Ahmedabad to 03 years’ Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) with fine of Rs. 75,000/- in a case of bribery.
CBI had registered the instant case on 19.03.2008 against the accused on allegations that the accused had demanded undue advantage from the complainant for clearing his bills for the works carried out by him. The accused was arrested on 20.03.2008 for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs.20,000/-.
Chargesheets was filed by CBI against the accused on 29.04.2009 for the offence of demanding and accepting illegal gratification and criminal misconduct. After trial, the Court found the accused guilty and sentenced him accordingly.