Shivsena's former MLA, Krishna Hegade, filed an FIR against Ashesh Mehta and Shivangi Lad Mehta for alleged fraud at the Amboli police station on June 26. According to Krishna Hegade, the couple duped a large number of investors of several crores of rupees. Hegade said he informed Special Police Commissioner Deven Bharti about the alleged racket, following which bank accounts worth ₹165 crore belonging to the Mehtas were frozen.
The case is currently under investigation, and all procedures are being conducted as per the law, as stated by Krishnakant Upadhyay, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone.
Multi-crore fraud
According to the FIR, the Mehta couple started the DIFM app and requested people to invest money in Bliss Consultants through the app. The couple, who are owners of Bliss Consultants, a Goregaon East-based stock broking firm dealing with Nifty, assured investors of a 2.5% profit per month. Krishna Hegade alleged that the couple duped a large number of investors of several crores of rupees.
Former MLA Hegde initiated the FIR, leading to the freezing of ₹165 crore of untraceable assets belonging to the Mumbai Stock broking couple, who have now disappeared with thousands of crore. The couple remains untraceable.
According to the sources, Bliss Consultants is not a Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) registered portfolio management services (PMS) or alternative investment fund (AIF) company.
"The police have approached Kotak Bank and also Zerodha, the trading platform in Bengaluru where the Mehtas were operating, and the police have managed to freeze ₹160 crore in Kotak Bank and ₹4.95 crore in Zerodha," added Hegde.
"Several of their accomplices are also under scrutiny, and more actions will be taken, which I do not wish to disclose at the moment due to privacy reasons," added Hegde.
Couple also involved in NDPS case
The couple is also alleged to be involved in an NDPS (Drug) case in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, and their bail has been rejected. "Investors across the country have invested thousands of crores of their hard-earned money with this couple," said Hegde.
The Mumbai Police has acted swiftly and is registering more complaints. Hegde, who also met Special Police Commissioner of Mumbai, Deven Bharti, Additional CP Paramjit Dahiya, and DCP Krishnakant Upadhyay regarding this case, mentioned that it has been registered under sections 420 and 34 of the IPC Act.