The NM Joshi Marg Police have registered an FIR against an unknown accused based on the complaint of a woman who alleged defamation. The accused sent messages to the woman's parents and friends, maintaining that she had wronged him, and he was reciprocating in kind. The police have filed an FIR against the unidentified individual under sections 403, 500 of the Indian Penal Code, and 66 (E) of the IT Act.
According to information from the police, the complainant, a teacher, reported that on January 17, upon reaching school, she discovered her mobile missing from her purse. Despite retracing her route and searching for the mobile, she did not find it.
The police officer stated that on January 29, the complainant's parents received a message claiming to be from her boyfriend, accusing her of wrongdoing and threatening retaliation. Subsequently, the accused also messaged the complainant's friends. The message included a photo from the woman's mobile with her friends, which the accused made viral.
Upon discovering this, the complainant accompanied by her father approached the NM Joshi Marg police station and filed a formal complaint.