A 54-year-old woman was found dead in her apartment located in the Kannamwar Nagar area of Vikhroli, while her 22-year-old son old was found hanging in the bedroom of the same house. The matter came to light when neighbours noticed a foul smell and informed the authorities about it on Sunday.
According to the Vikhroli police, the duo Usha Sanjay Tawde and her son, Abhishek, have been living together after Sanjay Tawde, 60, Usha’s husband and father of Abhishek, left them to live separately in the same vicinity.
The neighbors found a foul smell after which they called the police. Prima facie, police didn't find any marks of injury or bruises on Usha, who was found in the hall and Abhishek hanging on a piece of cloth from the ceiling fan in the bedroom.
Usha was suffering from epilepsy that causes seizures. Abhishek is allegedly a class 9 dropout and had no job. He used to sit and play with the children in his area, neighbours told police.
According to Tawde’s statement to the police, he called the duo on Saturday but they did not pick up the call. The next day, he decided to pay a visit and found the door locked from inside. Police sources said that two bodies were found in a semi-decomposed state and were later sent for postmortem.
A case of accidental death has been registered for the time being, said the police, adding that they are interrogating Tawde and others who knew the deceased to find other details.
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