A distressing incident unfolded in the heart of Santacruz as a fire engulfed a residential building on Tagore Road, leaving one person dead. The blaze, reported on August 15, 2023, at 15:47 hrs, led to a rapid response by the Mumbai Fire Brigade (MFB) in their bid to rescue residents and contain the situation.
The fire, categorized as Level 1, caused extensive damage to the sixth floor of the Haripreet Building. Smoke billowed through the premises, posing a significant challenge for both occupants and firefighting teams.
As of the latest update, the fire was declared as Level 1 by authorities at 15:40 hrs. Amidst the chaotic scene, two individuals were rescued from the perilous situation by the MFB. Both a male and a female occupant were trapped on the sixth floor. Firefighters donning breathing apparatus (BA) navigated through the smoke-filled environment and guided the individuals to safety via the staircase.
However, one of the individuals, identified as Nitesh Joshi, a 65-year-old male, faced a tragic fate. Joshi was pronounced dead upon arrival at Cooper Hospital. The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) confirmed the death at 16:44 hrs. Other rescued person was treated and discharged by on site 108 ambulance doctor.