Mumbai: A 45-year-old woman from Mankhurd was killed on Thursday after being hit by a motorcycle while on her way to work. According to the police, the fatal mishap took place at around 9.30am when Sharda alias Alimabi Walekar, who worked as a housekeeper, was crossing the road near unit no 22 bus stop in the Aarey Colony.
The accused, Mehadi Pradhan, 38, rammed into her while riding at a high speed. Owing to the impact of the collision, Walekar sustained serious injuries to her head and left hand, and lost consciousness. Pradhan took her to Trauma Care Hospital in Jogeshwari in an auto-rickshaw. However, the woman succumbed to her wounds and was declared dead at 12.45pm.
Later, Pradhan was arrested under the Indian Penal Code sections 279 (rash driving) and 304 (a) (causing death by negligence). Aarey sub police station senior Inspector Jagdish Deshmukh said that the body was handed over to Walekar's family after post-mortem.